This weekend, the popular reality show, Indian Idol Season 15 will celebrate the first anniversary of the hit film Animal with a special guest, the movie’s director, Sandeep Reddy Vanga. The episode will air on Sony Entertainment Television and promises an evening filled with music and inspiring stories. The director will share insights from his personal life as well.
Sandeep Reddy Vanga, known for his hit films like Arjun Reddy and Kabir Singh, will share his incredible journey from working at McDonald’s and Subway in Sydney to becoming one of the most talked-about directors in Indian cinema. Contestant Ritika Raj will give a special performance of the song Tujhe Kitna Chahne Lage, which deeply impressed the director. “I never imagined this song in a female voice, but I really liked it,” he said.
During the episode, Ritika asked the Animal director about his early struggles and his family’s role in his career. Sandeep shared how his family’s unwavering support helped him achieve his dreams. He recalled challenging his mother to become a director before spending the 2 lakh rupees he earned in Sydney while studying film. “It took me 6-7 years, but without my family’s support, Arjun Reddy wouldn’t have happened,” he said.
Sandeep also opened up about his initial career aspirations of becoming a physiotherapist and how he eventually transitioned into filmmaking. “In a South Indian family, you were either supposed to be an engineer or a doctor,” he said. “I didn’t get the marks for MBBS, so I chose physiotherapy. But after the first year, I realised my passion was storytelling, which led me to study film in Sydney.”
Singer Shreya Ghoshal joined the conversation, asking if Sandeep’s decision to attend film school was influenced by his family. Sandeep spoke fondly of his mother’s support, not just in paying for his education but also in producing Arjun Reddy. Reflecting on his relationship with his mother, he said, “In real life, I’m very attached to my mother. If I ever make a mother-son story, it will be filled with positive vibes.”
Don’t miss this inspiring episode of Indian Idol 15, airing this weekend at 9 PM on Sony Entertainment Television.