This weekend, Indian Idol Season 15 much-loved singing reality show will celebrate ‘100 Years of Raj Kapoor’ in the presence of his granddaughter and torchbearer of the Kapoor legacy, Karisma Kapoor. She will share heartfelt anecdotes and cherished memories, highlighting the Kapoor family’s unparalleled contributions to Indian cinema. To honor this extraordinary legacy, the judges—Shreya Ghoshal, Vishal Dadlani, and Badshah—along with the contestants, will come together to pay an unforgettable tribute.
The upcoming episode features two captivating duet performances. Idol ki Feelwala Performer Priyangshu Dutta and Idol ki Classical Queen Mayuri Saha, both from Kolkata, will sing the evergreen “Pyaar Hua Ikrar Hua.”
Meanwhile, Idol ka Paanwala Subhajit Chakraborty from Kolkata and Idol ki Ziddi Girl Myscmee Bosu from Guwahati will perform the timeless “Yeh Raat Bheegi Bheegi.”
Impressed by the chemistry between Subhajit and Myscmee, Singer and Judge Shreya Ghoshal commented, “Your chemistry is wonderful. Subhajit’s simple style of singing reminds me of Mukesh Ji. While Lata Mangeshkar and Manna Dey’s rendition is iconic and timeless, this is the first time we are hearing this song in a duet format, and your performance was beautiful and well-executed.”
Another highlight of the episode is the contestants stepping out of their comfort zones. Idol ka Sur-Swaram Anirudh Suswaram from Kurnool, Andhra Pradesh, will deliver an outstanding performance on “Chalat Musafir” from the film Teesri Kasam, showcasing his talent by singing in four different languages.
Badshah praised Anirudh, saying, “I’m so happy; this feels like a personal victory. I enjoyed watching your hard work, enjoyment, confidence, and singing. It felt like you came well-prepared, yet you were having fun. Singing in four languages today is a remarkable feat, especially for someone who once struggled with a single language. Today, you’ve turned the game around.”