This weekend, the much-loved singing reality show, Indian Idol Season 15, will spread the festive cheer with its special episode called “Christmas Concert”. A host of celebrities will join this episode as ‘Secret Santas,’ bringing gifts for their favourite contestants including Madhubanti Bagchi, Paradox, Bhoomi Trivedi, Rishab Sharma, Papon, Nikhita Gandhi, Priyank Sharma, Meiyang Chang and the cherished team of CID – ACP Pradyuman (Shivaji Satam), Senior Inspector Abhijeet (Aditya Srivastava), and Senior Inspector Daya (Dayanand Shetty).
One of the highlights of the episode is when contestant Manasi Ghosh playfully puts special guest Paradox on the spot, asking him who he enjoys working with more—Badshah or Honey Singh. Paradox’s heartfelt reply wins over the audience: “I’ve learned so much from all of them. Whatever creativity I bring to the table today, a lot of credit goes to them.”
Badshah also shares, “Between us, hamara scene jo bhi hai, hamare baad jo bhi aaye, woh sab hamein ek hi unit maante hai. For the next generation, we stand together as a single unit, paving the way for what’s to come. Paradox Raftaar Bhai se bhi sikha hai, Honey se bhi sikha hai, mujhse bhi sikha hai and yeh har kisi se sikha hai. He knows how the culture works, and that’s the mark of a true student of the game. ”
In a heart-warming moment, the show will also see Manasi’s parents join her on stage for a special celebration, taking a nostalgic trip into Manasi’s childhood. Unveiling her quirky personality and the bond she shares with her family, they spoke emotionally about how Manasi shouldered financial responsibilities during tough times and proudly shared, “She has promised to buy us many houses”.
When it comes to her performance, Manasi’s rendition of Nisha – Jaane Jaan is bound to leave everyone mesmerized. Judge Shreya Ghoshal calls her “certified crazy,” while Vishal Dadlani declares, “It’s Manasi’s world, and we’re just living in it. You don’t need judges; you’ve infused your performance with so much soul and humanity.” Badshah, momentarily speechless, said: “What frustrates me is how casual you are about your brilliance. Tum bohot crazy girl ho!”