This weekend, the much-loved singing reality show, Indian Idol Season 15, will spread the festive cheer with its special episode called “Christmas Concert”. A host of celebrities will join this episode as ‘Secret Santas,’ bringing gifts for their favourite contestants including Madhubanti Bagchi, Paradox, Bhoomi Trivedi, Rishab Sharma, Papon, Nikhita Gandhi, Priyank Sharma, Meiyang Chang and the cherished team of CID – ACP Pradyuman (Shivaji Satam), Senior Inspector Abhijeet (Aditya Srivastava), and Senior Inspector Daya (Dayanand Shetty).
But it will be ‘Idol ka Feelwala Performer’ – Priyangshu Dutta’s performance of “Sun Le Zara” and “Mon Maajhi Re” that won the hearts of the esteemed guest, Papon, and judges Shreya Ghoshal, Vishal Dadlani, and Badshah. Papon, praised Priyangshu, saying, “This is like a full concert. I’m a very big fan of attitude singing—which I think Vishal’s voice exemplifies best. I think Vishal Dadlani has a voice that has attitude, no matter what genre he’s singing, and you, Priyangshu, have something similar. Before this, I hadn’t seen you, but I had heard that you sang very well, and people had been sharing your acts—even film stars and directors. So, I was here to witness it, and now I understand how good you are.”
Papon even asked if Priyangshu was a trained singer, and upon hearing that he wasn’t, Papon replied that it was good he hadn’t learned formally, adding, “Sometimes, it’s very important to forget about technicalities and just be yourself, and it feels like it’s your own journey. I’m sure you will soon have lots of shows of your own, and I would love it if we could sing in a concert together.”
Badshah also requested the guest, Papon, to sing along with Priyangshu, and the duo gave an unforgettable performance of “Jiyein Kyun.”